Monday, February 28, 2011

Instant Communication

We live in a world of instant communication. But  what are we communicating? Sometimes the means seem to be more important than the message. This was the theme of a wonderful presentation I heard this morning. It reminded me of how important it is to use the latest means of communicating for a good reason.
Now, many of you know that I have just recently come to the world of blogging and facebook. In fact, I am just now breaking the one hundred mark with this blog.
As I began to contemplate starting this blog, I was wondering what I would do with it. I must be frank - I was not sure if I had anything to write that anyone else would want to read. I have discovered, however, that there are people out there who are searching for something of substance. It does not have to be long (in fact, it is better if it is short). But the challenge is always to make sure that I use these means of sharing with you to lift spirits, build up relationships and create unity in the online world.
I think that this is also the challenge for everyone. There are so many ways that people can tear down one another, and I hate to think of the damage that thoughtless or intentionally cruel comments can do to people. We have only to think about the recent young man who killed himself after discovering that moments that he thought were private had been broadcast on the internet.
I would like to extend to you the same challenge we received this morning: use all available means of communication, but remember that the message, not the means, is what is important. Most people really do not care if we are going shopping or have just returned from work, but they just might be interested to know that you saw someone help an elderly woman with her packages in the mall parking lot, or that a co-worker did something to ease your job today.
I know that for me it requires a different way of looking at my life, at what is important. But I think that if I can get into the habit of looking for good things to share, the means of instant communication can help me spread this and, perhaps, inspire others to do the same. I hope you will try it yourself. Let me know how it goes.

1 comment:

Ralph Pfannenstiel said...

This is the 3rd time I've tried to send you something. Okay, on spirituality of communion...what a great idea! I think I've been doing this without realizing let it happen. I like to edify people whom others are critical. There is a temptation for me also. A tiny,little prayer goes a long way. God Bless u Fr.